菲律宾经常被描述为一个新兴市场, 由不断壮大的中产阶级推动, 有利的人口统计数据, 以及对基础设施项目的大规模投资. The economy is growing very quickly and today there are 40 Swedish companies in the 菲律宾 that capitalise from this economic progress.

这是世界上增长最快的经济体之一, 国内生产总值(GDP)增长率在6%左右.5% . It is strategically located in Southeast Asia, making it an ideal hub for trade and commerce. 这个国家位于主要航道的十字路口, 为进入中国等主要市场提供便利, 日本, 和美国.


菲律宾政府启动了一项雄心勃勃的基础设施计划, Build Better More (BBM), which provides opportunities for Swedish companies within areas such as construction,  绿色能源和可持续交通解决方案.

菲律宾 also has a target to increase its renewable energy capacity and to achieve 35% renewable energy share in the country's energy mix by 2030. 自2022年底起, the 菲律宾 is open to 100% ownership for foreign direct investments in the RE sector, 为太阳能行业的公司创造令人兴奋的机会, 风, 水力发电.


自2017年以来,PG电子官方免费下载商业公司一直在菲律宾开展业务. Our team offers strategic advice and has a support network that helps Swedish companies get their business on track.
